Scott "The Red Lobster" Bushaw
Scott Bushaw comes to the Heartland from Byron, Michigan. Like most northerners, the heat of Missouri can leave a mark, so we tagged him Red Lobster. That name didn’t stick like some, but we still use it once in a while when he is either red from the sun or blushing. Scott has been here since the beginning of May and is about to graduate from the Advanced Farrier Course.
Scott left high school and did an apprenticeship as a carpenter. He spent the next 4 years mainly building homes and condos, but the work dried up and he had to look for a new way to make a living. For the next 8 years he repaired medical equipment like monitors, anesthesia machines, etc. It was not a fulfilling or satisfying way to make a living. Also, (like almost every other person I have taught to shoe horses), there are some people that are made to work for themselves. For those that are made to be self-employed, a lifetime of working for someone else goes against the grain.
Here is the thing about being an employee. You are not going to get a job where you are paid more than what you can make for the company. This basic fact means that your labor is actually worth more than you are being paid for it, which it has to be for the company to stay in business. But, what if you were actually the company so that all of your effort’s earnings could belong to the company, which is you? If you are made to be self-employed, working for someone else is a very hard thing to do. Likewise, if you are not made to be self-employed, trying it can be a big wake up call and potential disaster. We tend to attract a very strong person at this school that has that extra bit that makes them successful entrepreneurs.
While riding at a barn one day, Scott met the farrier and was allowed to get under and work on a few feet. He decided right then that this was going to be his next venture. So far, he has built some very impressive skills in a short time and is doing some first class work. He has sailed through the final horse exam and actually received the high score in the class on the final written test. He scored a 97%, which is pretty rare.
Scott ended up in the Heartland because he heard how tough it is and that the diplomas are all earned and never given. That sounded like a challenge to Scott who believes that nothing worth having comes easy. His time here has confirmed that belief.
Scott has some fairly straightforward goals. He wants to be a trusted and reliable farrier in demand in his area. He hopes to be respected amongst his peers and successful at farrier contests. One day, he plans to share what he has learned along the way with up and coming farriers. He has had experiences with current practitioners that are generous and willing to help, as well as some that aren’t. These experiences hit home with Scott so he wants to make sure that he is the former someday.
Scott is going to be a very successful farrier. If you are in his area, you will be lucky to have him, and your horses will be happy that you found him.
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